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April 7, 2022 by admin 0 Comments

lambkinz at Merit ‘n’ Merit Open House

Children at lambkinz kiosk

As a part of the implementation campaign with Merit ‘n’ Merit School; team lambkinz organized a lambkinz screening session at the open house held at the campus on 2nd April, 2022. Parents and children both attended the open house and visited the lambkinz kiosk.

Children were mesmerized by the animated stories that played constantly throughout the open-house and kept gathering around the kiosk to read along.

Parents were keen to look into lambkinz and how it works and helps kids learn better. It is to be noted that the Merit ‘n’ Merit school has greenlit the addition of lambkinz as a part of their curriculum for the upcoming academic year.

Do you want lambkinz to be a part of your academic system?
Write to us at or Whatsapp/Call us at +9203127799085

December 17, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

lambkinz activity at Clara International School

lambkinz PR organized an interactive storytelling and learning activity session at Clara International School. Children watched & read-along with the lambkinz animated books live at the event and indulged in quick learning activity session. The kids carefully & thoroughly enjoyed as the books came to life on the big screen.

Kids at Clara International School then dived into the learning activities after watching the animated stories and also asked lot of questions about them. The teachers encouraged the students to pay attention to the story details and think creatively while doing their learning activities.

Do you wish to organize an interactive storytelling session with @lambkinzapp at your school? Write to us NOW at